5 Lost Inventions That Could Have Changed The World

Friends,Science and Technology has been a backbone of Humans.Scinece Gave us alot to humanity But there are also some inventions which never got any lime light and lost which could have changed the world.So here is the five things that could have changed the world.

1.Sloot Digital Coding System

When you buy a smartphone you always check how much is the internal memory and how much is the external memory.Imagine a Device that could Store a Film in 8kb storage.In 11 september 1999 a dutch electronic technician Jan Sloot invented a Data compression technique by which you can store a hollywood movie in 8kb,Sloot proposed the technique to the philips company and he played 8 hollywood movies one by one with a 64 kb chip.But before he was able to give the plan he was dead mystereously and the floppy in which the code was saved also stolen.

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Starlite is a material claimed to be able to withstand and insulate from extreme heat and can even bear the heat of atomic bomb. It was invented by amateur chemist Maurice Ward (1933–2011) during the 1970s and 1980s, and received much publicity in 1993 thanks to coverage on the science and technology show Tomorrow’s World. The name Starlite was coined by Ward’s granddaughter Kimberly.

Despite interest from NASA and other major technological companies, Ward never revealed the composition of Starlite, which is still unknown. Ward once mentioned that his close family knows the fabrication process, but after his death neither his wife nor any of his four daughters have produced any sample to demonstrate that they know the process.

3.Death Ray

Nicola Tesla was one of the greatest scientist in his days,He invented such things that we use today. We will write about him in another blog.

In 1930 He proposed a theory that can built rays that can shoot 10k aircrafts from  250 miles .But the machine was never built because nicola tesla could never afforded money to built.People said that it was impossible to built such things so no company were interested to invest money on his project.


Father Pellegrino Ernetti , An Italian preist and scientist who claimed to have invented an machine by which we can see and listen to the future and past,According his report he told that by going back to time he saw Jesus being crucified and nepoleon bonaparte.As of him after his death the meeting was arranged between 7 persons in a church and the chronovisor was Dismentaled and parts were burnt.

photo of Father Pellegrino Ernetti

5.Cloud Buster

A cloudbuster (or cloud buster) is a device designed by Austrian psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich, which Reich said could produce rain by manipulating what he called “orgone energy” present in the atmosphere.

In 1953, a drought threatened Maine’s blueberry crop, and several farmers offered to pay Reich if he could make it rain. The weather bureau had reportedly forecast no rain for several days when Reich began the experiment at 10 a.m. on July 6, 1953. The Bangor Daily News reported on July 24:

According to a reliable source in Ellsworth the following climatic changes took place in that city on the night of July 6 and the early morning of July 7: “Rain began to fall shortly after ten o’clock Monday evening, first as a drizzle and then by midnight as a gentle, steady rain. Rain continued throughout the night, and a rainfall of 0.24 inches was recorded in Ellsworth the following morning.”

But FBI claimed him and arrested him believing him as a fraud and burnt his machine and he died in jail itself.

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